The One Question You Should Be Asking for Body Transformation

The One Question You Should Be Asking for Body Transformation

“A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” – Duke Ellington

Combine the innovator in Edison with the improver in Twain and you have yourself the key to problem solving.

Problem solving sounds a lot like the grade school math challenges we never want to look at again, or the tedious, mind-consuming solutions to our car-pool dilemma. If you think about it though…everything in our day-to-day lives require problem solving – cooking breakfast, getting to work, who’s going to pick the kids up from soccer practice, how we find time to fit in a work out. Sometimes it’s even automatic how we solve them – it’s time we look at this differently.

Why are we neglecting these simple, yet vastly available opportunities throughout our day to improve our lives?

I like to think of optimizing the potential of the human body, ourselves, and our lives as I would a business or job. The problem solving strategies used to optimize companies and design products can easily be applied inward to our health and wellness, behaviors, and daily life – just ask some of the top researchers from Stanford and Fortune 500 companies.

All it takes is one question.

But are you asking that right question? Chances are you aren’t…many of us aren’t.

What have you always wanted to solve but never quite have? Weight loss? Completing a marathon? Starting a business?

Last week we talked about trying new things in order to improve – we need to expand our approach to see the many solutions.  Too often we approach looking for the solution – which isn’t the answer. We set goals and benchmarks, only to sell ourselves short of our potential. We think “if I lose weight I will be happy” or “if I’m faster than I will like my sport more”. We go out pursuing weight loss because then we will be happier, or we go to practice dreading it but thinking that eventually it will be better.

Whatever it may be, it can seem like there are insurmountable obstacles standing between us and our goals. The truth is…these goals are completely achievable…and in most cases, YOU are the only one holding yourself back.

So you wanna know what we’re doing? 

A community body transformational fitness journey.

30 days. Sustainable results. Helping you figure out how to achieve your goals. Guaranteed success… and some bonus prizes at the end wouldn’t hurt right?

We are changing the question and the answer to body transformation.

March – body transformation.

We are digging deep to find the real answers, the science, the motives, and how to personalize it to YOU…with a killer community to be with you every step of the way, doctors to analyze, cater, and support you, and some of the Valley’s top personal trainers.

We are taught to believe there are ‘traditional’ ways we need to improve our health – going on a walk, lifting weights, eating salad – it’s much cooler than that…and more enjoyable.

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” – Soren Kierkegaard

I challenge you to think outside the box, explore, laugh and enjoy the process – the journey is meant to be lived, not taught. See how this Stanford professor figured out the best way to lose weight and how we want to support that journey for you through our March Mania Transformation Challenge.

To learn more on how we are using design thinking to help create healthful habits, how problem solving will help you lose weight or reach any of your goals, what March Mania is all about, and get more motivation – stay tuned next week!

Ready to go? Sign up for the Transformation Challenge at COR.

What chance are you taking advantage of this week to do your best?
