Everyday Resolutions

Everyday Resolutions

“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

This week welcomes the New Year, the most popular day for making resolutions.

Making goals, striving for improvement, an excuse to be better…that excites me…so what better day to write a long newsletter about new year’s resolutions, how to make them, and how to keep them…right?

Except one thing.

Why do we need an excuse to start something new?

To make a change. To take on a challenge. To improve ourselves. To make a difference.

“There’s no time limit, stop [or start] whenever you want.”

You don’t need a New Year to make a resolution. All you need is today – this Monday. Or really…ANY MOMENT!

I’m all about an excuse to improve myself, try something new and start my day with a purpose. Here’s where it becomes a problem…too people only do this one day a year – January 1st –  but the turning of a number shouldn’t be our catalyst for change.

Too often we simply set a goal based on what we ought to do, what we read in magazines or what we see other people doing and their expectations – workout more, eat better, be nicer, yada-yada-yada.

Where’s the meaning in that? Forget about what you or other people think you ought to be doing, and look at what you really want!  Do you want to feel more rejuvenated, lively, clear? Do you want to be able to move without pain, kick the soccer ball with your children, or take a walk with your wife? Do you hope to build better relationships? Improve your memory?

Resolutions can often lack a foundation of meaning and personal relevance. What we need is something fundamental, central and important that truly carries purpose. This purpose comes from inside, something that’s based on what’s important and what you dream for later.

What kind of person waits all year to act on a decision anyway?  Why wait for that “one day” to make a decision, when there are another 364 equally great resolution-making days available to you?

Here’s a thought: Let’s do it every day.

Let’s not wait for one day a year. Waiting is exhausting and no fun. Start today. You have the courage to change your life in any way that suits you, and not just on January 1. That power and accessibility of change is there every day.

“I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.”

What goal have you put on the ‘goal wall’ (you can even mail them in!) or been working towards?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/resolutions/