Resilience: Learning to Bounce Back

Resilience: Learning to Bounce Back

“To be something we never were, we have to do something we’ve never done.” – USA Navy Seal, Eric Greitens

At some point, we’ve been comforted by the typical, “it’s not about how many times you get knocked down, it’s about how many times you get back up“, silver-lining. Sure, this timeless, pick-me-up serves as the simple condolence filling our voided spirit with optimism…but the emerging scientific evidence proves this universal truth extends beyond your simple interaction with a challenge.

In the past decade, the concept of resilience, and it’s links to improve well-being continues to be on the rise. …and the most important predictor of resilience –  a positive outlook.

Are you the one who grows after trauma or the one who gets swallowed by it? 

Resilience isn’t only for the hero on the frontline or the most decorated Olympian –  we each are exposed to high levels of adversity throughout our life…even our day.

Think back to the last time you experienced a setback, difficulty, or loss. Did you respond by dwelling and venting on the disappointment, or did you find the spark of meaning amid the darkness?

How quickly did you bounce back? How resilient are you?

If you want to know more why this affects your life and your chances of growth, and how to incorporate it into your life..keep reading (link to article)! ( *hint* it’s much more than the gains you make despite an injury or life’s daily annoyances…but your family, health, and overall well-being)

Perhaps we don’t choose to be in the current situation, but what’s more important is how we handle it. Treasure the challenges, and recognize these opportunities for growth that serve to your benefit…make this a great week!

 What challenge are you maximizing in order to reach your dreams?
